Growing on the villages of Fuissé and Solutré-Pouilly, the vines of Domaine Robert-Denogent draws sap in a clay, limestone - sometimes schistose-clay - soil. Most of the parcels are between 50 and 70 years old, some of them being hundred-year-old stocks.
The Domaine Robert-Denogentis working under the following appellations : Mâcon-Villages, Mâcon-Solutré, Mâcon-Fuissé, Saint-Véran, Pouilly-Fuissé and Beaujolais-Villages. The estate is dealing with the whole making process, from the work in the vines to the bottle-filling.
The estate has always been looking for genuine and personal wines, close to the terroir, the climate and the vintage...
For these matters, the Domaine Robert-Denogent embraces a simple and traditional approach, while applying a minimum of intervention.